Course Description

Take more control over your fertility

Are you trying to conceive?

Do you feel like you're doing everything right, yet you're still not pregnant?

Discover proven ways to improve your fertility naturally.

Have you been struggling to conceive and looking for answers and solutions?

Have your doctors been unable to explain why you’re not getting or staying pregnant? Perhaps your doctors have suggested IUI or IVF, yet are unable to identify the root cause of the issue?

Have your doctors recommended any natural steps to improve your chances of a healthy conception and pregnancy?

Are you getting acupuncture and your acupuncturist recommended adding these strategies to your treatment plan? 

Do you want to know what else you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant?

Perhaps you feel like you're running out of time. 

I understand what you're going through. And there is hope. 

Since 2011 I’ve been coaching couples who’ve struggled with infertility, who now have had healthy babies after using this information.

I created this course because there is so much you can do, outside of the acupuncture clinic and doctors office, that has a powerful impact on your fertility. 

Becoming Mama is an evidence-based system you can use at home, on your own, to help you improve your fertility naturally and significantly increase your chances of a healthy conception, pregnancy, and baby.

The Becoming Mama Program is designed to help you:

  • Take control and learn how to boost your fertility naturally
  • Conquer the most common fertility challenges
  • Identify and solve the root causes of your fertility issues
  • Improve the health of your eggs and sperm
  • Boost your reproductive health
  • Balance your hormones and endocrine system
  • Minimize your need for fertility drugs and procedures
  • Increase the odds of IVF success
  • Conceive and maintain pregnancy
  • Optimize the health of your baby
Natural solutions to help you overcome infertility and have a healthy baby. 


This approach has been proven successful for more than a dozen forms of infertility. And it’s helped countless people who had trouble conceiving to have healthy babies. 

This program can work for you if you're in any of these scenarios…

  • You’ve been trying to get pregnant and it’s not happening as quickly as you'd like
  • You have high FSH or low AMH, even if the doctors aren’t hopeful
  • Your lab results and hormones all look normal and doctors aren't sure what's causing the fertility challenges
  • You've had one or more miscarriages
  • You've had failed IUI or IVFs
  • You want to prepare for IVF and support the chances of successful IVF
  • You have irregular cycles or no periods
  • You're not ovulating
  • You have PCOS or cysts
  • You have a history of long-term birth control use

Becoming Mama is a holistic, science-based approach which can not only help you conceive, it can also help you have a healthy baby and save you untold dollars on IVF.

How this program works:

  • This is a 10-day program made up of daily modules presented in videos, slide presentations, and PDFs, to help you understand, retain, and implement the content.
  • You'll get printable support sheets, meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, and more. 
  • Each video is 10 minutes or less and each day's video content is about 30 minutes or less, so it will fit into your busy life.
  • You'll have access to the material even after the course is completed, so you can go back to it time and time again, as much as you need.

If you are ready to take action and supercharge your fertility, I created this program for you! 

If you can't wait to hold your baby in your arms, let's get started.

It's time for you to become a mama.

Open for enrollment now! 

The investment is only $597.

Is This Program for Me? If you want science-backed and clinically-proven strategies that are clear, simple, and easy to implement to take charge of your fertility, cover all your bases, boost your egg quality, balance your hormones, maximize your fertility, so you can get pregnant. This program is for you.

How Do I Know If It's A Good Fit? This program isn't a good fit for you if you have structural fertility blockages where surgery might be your best option – such as large uterine fibroids or tubal obstruction. It's not for you if you're not willing to make changes to your lifestyle emotionally, physically and nutritionally.

Can I guarantee you'll get pregnant? I wish I could, but fertility is complex and there are no guarantees (don't trust anyone who says otherwise). However, I CAN guarantee that you'll gain strategies that have been scientifically and clinically proven to significantly improve your chances of pregnancy.

30-day money back guarantee. If you dive in and follow this system - commit to each and every strategy, meal plan, stress-busting approach, and self-care, and the program doesn’t bring you improvement in your health, fertility, and wellbeing, you can get a full refund of your money.

Reach out to me if you're feeling this. We'll talk and make sure that you're questions are answered, you've understood the strategies and implemented them correctly and fully - the supplements, meal plan, self-care plan, detox plan - and if I can't help you, you’ll get your money back. I guarantee it. Because in my experience, these strategies will help you to address and resolve the root causes and underlying factors of fertility issues, and help to maximize your fertility and get pregnant successfully. And you'll feel great in the process.

Dr. Katie Altneu DTCM FABORM

Dr. Katie is an acupuncturist and ABORM certified women’s health and fertility expert, the founder and clinic director of The Point Acupuncture & Holistic Medicine, and the creator of the programs: Becoming Balanced, Becoming Mama, and Mend Your Metabolism. She has more than ten years of experience in private practice helping clients achieve their health and wellness goals. Katie studied economics at Colby College and the London School of Economics before experiencing health struggles that led her to discover first-hand the power of acupuncture and holistic medicine. She then got her Masters at Southwest Acupuncture College to become a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist. She completed her doctorate of Traditional Chinese Medicine from Five Branches University in 2022. She *gets it*, having been through hormonal and digestive problems that doctors shrugged their shoulders at, growing up in diet culture and the disordered eating and the weight fluctuations that come with it, and being "advanced maternal age" when trying to conceive and pregnant. She's here to guide you in balancing your hormones, optimizing your health, and supporting your wellbeing, and to do it in an evidence-based, effective, enjoyable, empowered way, which is so important.

Course curriculum

    1. Hello and welcome!

    2. What to expect and how to get the most out of this

    3. Disclaimer

    1. Intro to fertility Basics

    2. Understanding your cycle and what it can tell you

    3. How to have sex & what not to do during sex

    4. Quiz 1

    5. How to know exactly when you're ovulating & time sex for conception

    6. Quiz 2

    7. Egg quality - the big kahuna of fertility

    8. Quiz 3

    9. The foundation of your hormonal balance - your endocrine system

    10. Fertility Testing & Labs

    1. The Big Fertility Disruptors

    2. What you need to know about age and fertility

    3. One food to avoid at all costs to keep your eggs young

    4. The silent hormone disrupter

    5. Support Sheet: Steps to Stable Blood Sugar

    6. Immunology and Fertility

    7. Stress - how it affects your fertility & what to do about it

    8. Strategies for Mitigating the Effects of Stress on Your Fertility

    9. Toxins + Safe detoxification for fertility & pre-pregnancy

    10. The Becoming Mama 4 Day Pre-pregnancy Cleanse Guide

    11. The #1 toxin to avoid at all costs for egg quality and fertility

    12. How to protect your fertility from environmental pollutants

    13. What to look for in your self-care products and what to toss from your bathroom

    14. These factors are in your control

    1. Check in

    2. How to schedule a call, if you'd like to

    3. Progress Tracking

    4. Fertility Progress Tracker - Phase 1: Menstruation

    5. Fertility Progress Tracker - Phase 2: Follicular Phase

    6. Fertility Progress Tracker - Phase 3: Ovulation

    7. Fertility Progress Tracker - Phase 4: Luteal/Premenstrual Phase

    1. The power of optimal nourishment

    2. Fertility Power Foods

    3. The Best Supplements for Fertility

    4. Methylfolate

    5. What to toss from your kitchen to make sure it’s a fertile-friendly kitchen

    6. What a Fertile Plate looks like + answers to common questions about fertility nutrition

    7. The Becoming Mama Eating Guide

    8. Week 1 (menstrual phase) Meal Plan + Shopping List

    9. Week 2 (follicular phase) Meal Plan + Shopping List

    10. Week 3 (luteal phase) Meal Plan + Shopping List

    11. Week 4 (luteal phase) Meal Plan + Shopping List

    12. Eat This Not That + A few indulgent recipes

    13. Tips for easily making matcha green tea

    14. Exactly how much to exercise, how much coffee you can drink, how much sleep you need, and more

    15. Cheatsheet: Sleep Optimization

    16. Deeper dive into exercise: syncing with your cycle

    17. Mindset

    18. Womb

    1. Fertility IQ + AQ Assessment

About this course

  • $597.00
  • 111 lessons
  • 7 hours of video content


5 star rating

Very Satisfied With the Knowledge I Gained from this Program

Janet Cruze

Before taking this program I felt like I knew a lot about fertility and what to do and not to do. Some of the knowledge I already had was confirmed during th...

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Before taking this program I felt like I knew a lot about fertility and what to do and not to do. Some of the knowledge I already had was confirmed during this program, however Katie taught me why certain things were important and elaborated on why doing certain things were so important. After completing this course I feel like I have all the tools I need to get pregnant along with the mind set I have lacked in the past. I am really excited for what the future holds and would recommend this course to others.

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